広葉樹の幅広の枝葉は木かげをつくり、私たちに気持ちのよい空間を与えます。春には花々と新緑の緑で目と鼻を楽しませ、夏の暑い日には涼を与え、秋には紅葉・結実し動物を育て、冬には地表を覆い土中の生物を守ります。さらには土に還り、雨と共に清流に流れ込み、川の生物を育て、巡り巡って海に流れ込み豊かな海を育みます。多様性のある豊かな広葉樹の森を増やしていくために、生活に活用する方法のひとつとして生まれたのがこのcokage。日本発 Biosphere model products.
From the land of clear streams. Protecting and nurturing the broad-leaved forest.
Broad-leaved trees with their outstretched branches and wide leaves create pleasant shades.When spring comes, they delight our eyes and nostrils with their flowers and lush greenery. On hot summer days, they keep us cool in their shade. In autumn, the leaves change color, while their fruit nurture animals. And during winter, the fallen leaves cover the ground, giving protection to the creatures underneath. Ultimately, they return to the soil, and with rainfall seep into the clear streams to nurture aquatic life, and the cycle is completed as the river flows into the ocean, enriching it.“cokage” is the shade made by trees. We created this brand as a way to make use of forest products in our daily lives, with the aim of expanding the bountiful and diverse forest of broad-leaved trees. From the forests of Japan, we bring you our Biosphere model products.